$25 - Essential Aid
On August 22st, 2024, flash floods in Bangladesh have affected 5.7 million people and claimed over 20 lives. Eleven districts have been severely impacted, with critical infrastructure destroyed. While floodwaters are receding, 350,000 people remain in emergency shelters, urgently needing help. Landslides have further displaced
$50 - Food Supplies for Staving Families
Emergencies are an unfortunate reality that can occur at any place or time. These events are unpredictable and can have severe consequences
$100 - Can provide essential supplies
Violence spreads, overcrowding worsens as newly displaced families arrive in fear and desperate need of assistance.
$5 - One Meal
As temperatures drop, thousands of families face the harsh realities of winter without adequate protection. At HADI Relief, we are committed to providing winter essentials to the most vulnerable communities. Your generous donation can provide warm clothing, blankets, and heating supplies, ensuring no one has to endure the cold alone.
$40 - Supports five children with a nutritious hot meal at school
A powerful 6.3 earthquake struck Afghanistan on October 8, killing over 3,000 people, the deadliest tremors in years, reducing houses to rubble and sending many to hospitals for first aid.
$50 - Medical and Hygiene Kits
Deadly 6.8 earthquake strikes Morocco and devasting floods hit Libya within days of each other. OCHA report over 9,000 people have died and tens of thousands are injured, missing and lost their homes.
$50 - Can help with Medical and Hygiene Kits
The monsoon rains and heavy floods in the Sutlej River have displaced over 380,000 poor people – most women and children in 7 districts of Punjab province. Besides causing heavy damage to community infrastructure in hundreds of villages over 160,000 acres of farmland with standing crops are inundated by flood water. The affected families desperately need food, water, hygiene supplies and essential non-food items.The monsoon rains and heavy floods in the Sutlej River have displaced over 380,000 poor people – most women and children in 7 districts of Punjab province. Besides causing heavy damage to community infrastructure in hundreds of villages over 160,000 acres of farmland with standing crops are inundated by flood water. The affected families desperately need food, water, hygiene supplies and essential non-food items.
$25 - Hot Meals
Maui is facing one of the deadliest wildfires in over 100 years. They urgently need our support to provide immediate relief and aid to those affected by this disaster.
$10 - Hawaii Wildfire Emergency Appeal
For over a decade, Syria has been embroiled in a complex situation of suffering and deprivation. This has posed the toughest problems for children. Poverty and unemployment are two of the most difficult issues for Syrian refugees.
$50 - can provide essential food aid
“The war in Yemen is not a regional issue; it is a global issue. It is a moral and humanitarian crisis that demands our urgent attention and action. We cannot allow innocent civilians to continue to suffer and die in a conflict that has no military solution.” António Guterres
$50 - can provide essential food aid
“We cannot close our eyes to the plight of refugees and the suffering of innocent people forced to flee their homes. It is our moral duty to provide them with shelter, protection and hope for a better future.” – Ban Ki-moon
$50 - can help deliver food aid
According to the UN, the Rohingya people have been forced to flee their homes and have sought refuge in Cox\'s Bazar in Bangladesh. With over 900,000 refugees-including more than 400,000 children
$50 - can provide essential food aid
Palestinians are subjected to a life of subjugation and the dread of violence, deprived of almost all fundamental human rights. Sustenance shortage, deficient water quality, restricted access to healthcare
$10 - Palestine Emergency
For decades, the Afghan population has been trapped in the middle of conflicts, with several related international and economic sanctions, a changing climate, and underemployment. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated their problems,
$10 - Food Crisis in Afghanistan
Poverty can have a long lasting impact on communities for many years. While it is not easy to disentangle all the components of poverty, one thing is clear – education, food, and livelihood are significant contributors to the poverty rate of a community.
$10 - Livelihood
Yemen presents critical severity in food security and are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) and in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). Food insecurity is more severe in areas with active fighting or bordering areas with limited access, and is particularly affecting Internally Displaced Persons
$10 - Yemen Greenhouse Project
Approximately 10 million Ugandans are subsisting on less than 2000 Ugx daily. This dire financial situation makes it difficult for them to achieve economic security.
$10 - Uganda Poultry Project
Hunger is a complicated issue with no straightforward answer. Fundamentally, it is the lack of food needed to sustain energy levels.
$10 - Food Aid
Providing safe water, improving sanitation and hygiene facilities, and ensuring hygiene education can all help reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases.
$50 - Pitch in for clean water access
Amidst drought, extreme temperatures and intense displacement, access to clean water is becoming increasingly difficult and there are now more than 16 million people without access to safe drinking water.
$50 - Pitch in for water
In Pakistan, millions of people are facing a water crisis as conflict, poverty, and poor infrastructure make it one of the world’s most affected countries. There are now more than 16 million people without access to safe drinking water.
$50 - Pitch in for clean water access
Access to clean water is becoming increasingly difficult due to increased population, climate change and deforestation and there are now more than 6.5 million people without access to safe drinking water.
$50 - Pitch in for clean water access
As we prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan, a time filled with worship, reflection, and cherished gatherings with family and friends, let us remember those who face daily struggles to meet their most basic needs.
$50 - Feed The Fasting Bangladesh
An act of kindness can bring a smile to the face of millions of vulnerable people across the world. This Ramadan, take time to invest in your akhirah and help those in need all around the world.
$10 - Zakat
Giving Zakat-ul-Fitr (also known as fitrana) is one of the duties we must complete during the holy month of Ramadan. Similar to zakat given on an individual’s savings, it also entails giving a small amount to charity.
$15 - Per Person
Your donation helps give kids the ability to have access to education in their communities and supplies them with materials, food, transportation, and more.
$35 - could provide a food pack with essential food nutrients for a month.
Sadaqah Jariyah is one of the most beautiful concepts in Islam. Above all, it is the belief that deeds donated as a form of Sadaqah Jariyah possess the ability to earn reward
$35 - could provide a food pack with essential food nutrients for a month.
When a child is born, an Aqiqah is given by the parents/guardian as a gesture of thanks to Allah (SWT), protection from evil, expiation of sins and preventing any calamities.
$145 - Aqiqah for one
Fidya consists of a donation made when a person is unable to fast due to illness or poor health, to substitute for missing the fast. This donation is used to feed those in need.
$15 - Fidiya
Most experts agree that education is the most effective way to take millions of people out of poverty. High-quality education results in decent economic growth, creating a knock-on effect for making HADI’s goal (alleviating poverty) much more achievable. This is, in part, because it also identifies and addresses many of the other issues that keep communities vulnerable.
$25 - Can provide essential supplies like book bags and notebooks
Providing a safe space to educate and provide meals for up to 300 children living in refugee camps in a mobile facility.
$25 - Can provide essential supplies like book bags and notebooks
Providing quality facilities for 265 underprivileged children to ensure that their surroundings do not limit their capability.
$30 - can provide essential supplies like book bags and notebooks
To provide a safe space for children with disabilities residing in informal settlements and have access to a quality education, that is tailored to their individual needs. These children have specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia and physical disabilities.
$25 - Help toward the hub
Ensure that girls and boys have equal access to education services priority districts in Yemen through the rehabilitation and maintenance of five schools
$30 - Cost per child to update their school
Ensuring that 3,600 girls and boys have equal access to education services through building of 30 new school classes in areas that lack the access to education services.
$50 - Help support class essentials
By sponsoring a student, you can help them bloom so they can look forward to a better tomorrow. You are empowering future generations. You are building a brighter future.
$1650 - Can cover the cost of tuition and other school essentials
Providing a safe space to educate and provide meals for up to 300 children living in refugee camps in a mobile facility.
$10 - School Feeding Program
The dramatic effect of climate change has increased incidences of flooding in South Asia in recent years. One-third of the area of Bangladesh floods annually during the monsoon season, but extreme floods now cover up to two-thirds of the country.
$15 - School on boat
Providing healthy fresh meals to students in a safe environment.
$40 - One month of sponsorship
No mother wants to see her children go hungry. Our food parcel donations ensure widows and orphans worldwide can receive support when they have nowhere else to turn.
$50 - Can provide one food parcel to feed a family of five for a whole month
Across the globe, numerous children living in terrible circumstances, with hardly any aid from their families. These children routinely have to manage alone, existing from day to day with the danger of maltreatment, disregard, and misuse. A large number of them are orphans whose parents have died.
$40 - Monthly
$25 - Essential Aid
According to the UN, the Rohingya people have been forced to flee their homes and have sought refuge in Cox\'s Bazar in Bangladesh. With over 900,000 refugees-including more than 400,000 children
$50 - can provide essential food aid
For decades, the Afghan population has been trapped in the middle of conflicts, with several related international and economic sanctions, a changing climate, and underemployment. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated their problems,
$10 - Food Crisis in Afghanistan
Palestinians are subjected to a life of subjugation and the dread of violence, deprived of almost all fundamental human rights. Sustenance shortage, deficient water quality, restricted access to healthcare
$10 - Palestine Emergency
“We cannot close our eyes to the plight of refugees and the suffering of innocent people forced to flee their homes. It is our moral duty to provide them with shelter, protection and hope for a better future.” – Ban Ki-moon
$50 - can help deliver food aid
“The war in Yemen is not a regional issue; it is a global issue. It is a moral and humanitarian crisis that demands our urgent attention and action. We cannot allow innocent civilians to continue to suffer and die in a conflict that has no military solution.” António Guterres
$50 - can provide essential food aid
For over a decade, Syria has been embroiled in a complex situation of suffering and deprivation. This has posed the toughest problems for children. Poverty and unemployment are two of the most difficult issues for Syrian refugees.
$50 - can provide essential food aid
Maui is facing one of the deadliest wildfires in over 100 years. They urgently need our support to provide immediate relief and aid to those affected by this disaster.
$10 - Hawaii Wildfire Emergency Appeal
The monsoon rains and heavy floods in the Sutlej River have displaced over 380,000 poor people – most women and children in 7 districts of Punjab province. Besides causing heavy damage to community infrastructure in hundreds of villages over 160,000 acres of farmland with standing crops are inundated by flood water. The affected families desperately need food, water, hygiene supplies and essential non-food items.The monsoon rains and heavy floods in the Sutlej River have displaced over 380,000 poor people – most women and children in 7 districts of Punjab province. Besides causing heavy damage to community infrastructure in hundreds of villages over 160,000 acres of farmland with standing crops are inundated by flood water. The affected families desperately need food, water, hygiene supplies and essential non-food items.
$25 - Hot Meals
Deadly 6.8 earthquake strikes Morocco and devasting floods hit Libya within days of each other. OCHA report over 9,000 people have died and tens of thousands are injured, missing and lost their homes.
$50 - Can help with Medical and Hygiene Kits
A powerful 6.3 earthquake struck Afghanistan on October 8, killing over 3,000 people, the deadliest tremors in years, reducing houses to rubble and sending many to hospitals for first aid.
$50 - Medical and Hygiene Kits
As temperatures drop, thousands of families face the harsh realities of winter without adequate protection. At HADI Relief, we are committed to providing winter essentials to the most vulnerable communities. Your generous donation can provide warm clothing, blankets, and heating supplies, ensuring no one has to endure the cold alone.
$40 - Supports five children with a nutritious hot meal at school
Violence spreads, overcrowding worsens as newly displaced families arrive in fear and desperate need of assistance.
$5 - One Meal
Emergencies are an unfortunate reality that can occur at any place or time. These events are unpredictable and can have severe consequences
$100 - Can provide essential supplies
On August 22st, 2024, flash floods in Bangladesh have affected 5.7 million people and claimed over 20 lives. Eleven districts have been severely impacted, with critical infrastructure destroyed. While floodwaters are receding, 350,000 people remain in emergency shelters, urgently needing help. Landslides have further displaced
$50 - Food Supplies for Staving Families
Approximately 10 million Ugandans are subsisting on less than 2000 Ugx daily. This dire financial situation makes it difficult for them to achieve economic security.
$10 - Uganda Poultry Project
Yemen presents critical severity in food security and are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) and in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). Food insecurity is more severe in areas with active fighting or bordering areas with limited access, and is particularly affecting Internally Displaced Persons
$10 - Yemen Greenhouse Project
Poverty can have a long lasting impact on communities for many years. While it is not easy to disentangle all the components of poverty, one thing is clear – education, food, and livelihood are significant contributors to the poverty rate of a community.
$10 - Livelihood
Hunger is a complicated issue with no straightforward answer. Fundamentally, it is the lack of food needed to sustain energy levels.
$10 - Food Aid
Amidst drought, extreme temperatures and intense displacement, access to clean water is becoming increasingly difficult and there are now more than 16 million people without access to safe drinking water.
$50 - Pitch in for water
In Pakistan, millions of people are facing a water crisis as conflict, poverty, and poor infrastructure make it one of the world’s most affected countries. There are now more than 16 million people without access to safe drinking water.
$50 - Pitch in for clean water access
Providing safe water, improving sanitation and hygiene facilities, and ensuring hygiene education can all help reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases.
$50 - Pitch in for clean water access
Access to clean water is becoming increasingly difficult due to increased population, climate change and deforestation and there are now more than 6.5 million people without access to safe drinking water.
$50 - Pitch in for clean water access
As we prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan, a time filled with worship, reflection, and cherished gatherings with family and friends, let us remember those who face daily struggles to meet their most basic needs.
$50 - Feed The Fasting Bangladesh
An act of kindness can bring a smile to the face of millions of vulnerable people across the world. This Ramadan, take time to invest in your akhirah and help those in need all around the world.
$10 - Zakat
Giving Zakat-ul-Fitr (also known as fitrana) is one of the duties we must complete during the holy month of Ramadan. Similar to zakat given on an individual’s savings, it also entails giving a small amount to charity.
$15 - Per Person
Your donation helps give kids the ability to have access to education in their communities and supplies them with materials, food, transportation, and more.
$35 - could provide a food pack with essential food nutrients for a month.
Sadaqah Jariyah is one of the most beautiful concepts in Islam. Above all, it is the belief that deeds donated as a form of Sadaqah Jariyah possess the ability to earn reward
$35 - could provide a food pack with essential food nutrients for a month.
When a child is born, an Aqiqah is given by the parents/guardian as a gesture of thanks to Allah (SWT), protection from evil, expiation of sins and preventing any calamities.
$145 - Aqiqah for one
Fidya consists of a donation made when a person is unable to fast due to illness or poor health, to substitute for missing the fast. This donation is used to feed those in need.
$15 - Fidiya
Ensure that girls and boys have equal access to education services priority districts in Yemen through the rehabilitation and maintenance of five schools
$30 - Cost per child to update their school
By sponsoring a student, you can help them bloom so they can look forward to a better tomorrow. You are empowering future generations. You are building a brighter future.
$1650 - Can cover the cost of tuition and other school essentials
Ensuring that 3,600 girls and boys have equal access to education services through building of 30 new school classes in areas that lack the access to education services.