Cryptocurrency Donation
Donating your Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Cryptocurrencies to HADI is a great way to support our projects. We understand the importance of cryptocurrency and have seen the kindness of the community who use it. HADI’s crypto fundraising is powered by The Giving Block, making it easy and safe for you to make a donation and support the many programs.
Which cryptocurrencies do HADI accept?
We accept multiple cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and USDC. For the latest list of cryptocurrencies, we accept please visit our crypto donation page.
Your crypto donation could be matched!
There are various automatic crypto matches running for donations to HADI. Please visit The Giving Block for the latest information. Please note, that HADI receives matches only for donations made directly to us.
Donating NFTs?
We accept the proceeds from an NFT sale once converted to a cryptocurrency such as ETH.
For an NFT or other smart contract, you can dynamically generate a unique, static, reusable wallet address for HADI with these simple steps:
Step 1: Input a comment in the “Donation notes” field (optional)
Step 2: Select the crypto type
Step 3: Click the CONTINUE button
Step 4: Add your email and/or contact information (optional if you would like an email confirmation)
Step 5: Click the CONTINUE button
Step 6: Copy and paste the dynamic address or QR code that is generated.