Education – HADI Relief


Most experts agree that education is the most effective way to take millions of people out of poverty. High-quality education results in decent economic growth, creating a knock-on effect for making HADI’s goal (alleviating poverty) much more achievable.

High-quality education results in decent economic growth


How does education affect poverty?
It can help END it.

Most experts agree that education is the most effective way to take millions of people out of poverty. High-quality education results in decent economic growth, creating a knock-on effect for making HADI’s goal (alleviating poverty) much more achievable. This is, in part, because it also identifies and addresses many of the other issues that keep communities vulnerable.
According to UNESCO, for more than 265 million children around the world, education is only a dream. Poverty remains one of the most significant factors that hinder access to quality education. Countries with the highest out-of-school rate are also among the poorest countries in the world.

Why we need your Help

HADI’s Education Programs aims to help vulnerable children worldwide by opening new schools, improving classrooms, providing access to education and helping students reach their full potential.

With your support, we are trying to make sure that children receive an education by starting new schools and improving existing ones, enabling the young ones to reach their full academic capability.

Many communities don’t have the resources to provide quality education, such as books, transport, uniforms, and teachers. This means that a lot of families can’t even send their kids to school. If a child doesn’t get an education, it can easily lead to them living in poverty. You can make a significant change by donating to HADI’s Education Programs, giving the necessary resources to families to provide their children with an education.

Your donation helps give kids the ability to have access to education in their communities and supplies them with materials, food, transportation, and more.

265 million +

According to UNESCO the number children around the world for which education is only a dream.


Of the nearly 2 billion youth in the world, one-third are not employed, not in school, and not in formal training for work

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