Fidiya/Kaffarah – HADI Relief

Fidya and Kaffarah

Fidya and Kaffarah are acts of charity that allow Muslims to compensate for missed or broken fasts during Ramadan. By fulfilling these obligations, you not only seek Allah’s (SWT) mercy but also provide life-saving food and support to those in need.

$15 - Fidiya

What is Fidya?

Fidya is compensation for missed fasts during Ramadan due to legitimate reasons such as chronic illness, old age, or pregnancy, where fasting is not possible or would be harmful.

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:

“And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (e.g. an old man), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a Miskin (poor person) (for every day).”[Surah Al-Baqarah (2:184)]

What is Kaffarah?

Kaffarah is the expiation required for deliberately missed or broken fasts without a valid reason. To make amends, a person must either:

  • Fast for 60 consecutive days for each missed fast
  • Feed 60 poor people for every missed fast, providing them with two meals each day

At HADI Relief, the cost of feeding 60 people is $XXX per fast, ensuring your Kaffarah reaches those who need it most.

When To Pay Fidya Or Kaffarah?

It is essential to fulfill Fidya and Kaffarah promptly to ensure you meet your religious obligations during or shortly after Ramadan.

Fulfill Your Obligation, Transform Lives

This Ramadan, let your Fidya and Kaffarah bring blessings to you and relief to those in need. With HADI Relief, your donations turn into meals for the hungry, helping families experience the joy and dignity of Ramadan despite their struggles.

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